Test Your Motoring Law Prowess

Here’s a selection of quizzes to test your knowledge of the motoring law in England and Wales.

Highway Code

Just like the roads it administers, motoring law has many twists and turns. How well do you know your motoring law? 

Have some fun with our timed quiz and find out.  The timer gives you just 90s to answer the questions. You can check out the correct answers at the end. (It’s anonymous, no sign-up required.)

Drink Driving | Drunk in Charge

This quiz is based on the ‘drunk in charge’ case study. You have 90s to answer 7 questions about drink driving. You can download a one-page of summary of important points for future reference.

Careless Driving

This quiz is based on the ‘careless driving’ case study. You have 90s to answer 7 questions about careless driving. You can download a one-page of summary of important points for future reference.

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